ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Animalia (book)

Animalia is like a big book with lots of pages. Each page has a different animal on it, but there are a LOT of animals in this book. It's like having a whole zoo in one book!

Now, animals are living things that move and eat and do different things just like you and me (except they don't go to school or play with toys). There are animals with fur, feathers, scales or skin, and they all have their own way of surviving in the world.

The book Animalia has lots of different animals from all around the world. You can find animals like lions, elephants, zebras, tigers, kangaroos, koalas, penguins, snakes, birds, fish, and so many more!

The book is a great way to learn about different animals and what they look like. Some pages have clues or little hidden messages, kind of like a game, and it's fun to try and find them.

So, when you read Animalia, you get to learn about all sorts of cool animals and how they live in their environments. It's a fun way to explore the animal kingdom and to maybe even find a new animal to love and appreciate!