ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ant tribe

An ant tribe is kind of like a big family of ants that live and work together. Just like how you have a family with your mom, dad, and siblings, ants in a tribe have a queen who is like their mom and lots of other ants who are like their brothers and sisters.

The queen ant is in charge of making more ants and laying eggs, while the other ants in the tribe have different jobs. Some ants are workers who go out to find food and bring it back to the nest, some are soldiers who protect the tribe from danger, and some are even nurse ants who take care of the baby ants.

All of the ants in a tribe have a special smell that they use to recognize each other and stay close together. They also communicate with each other using touch, smell, and even little noises!

So, imagine a big family of ants all living together and working together to survive and take care of each other. That's what an ant tribe is all about!