ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Antefix is a special kind of decoration that people used to put on roofs of buildings a long time ago. The decoration is usually made of clay and shaped like a little face or animal, and it's put at the edge of the roof to cover up the ends of the roof tiles. This is to make the roof look pretty and to protect the end of the tile from breaking. Sometimes, people also put antefix on the sides of buildings to make them look nicer. It's like putting a cool sticker on your notebook or bicycle to make it look cooler. Back then, people used to make these antefix decorations by hand, and it was a very special job that required a lot of skills. Today, you can find antefix in some museums or ancient ruins, and they are a great way to learn about history and how people used to live a long, long time ago.