ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anthropology of institutions

Anthropology is like when people study other people to understand how they live, what they believe, and how they make their own rules. The anthropology of institutions is when people study the rules that groups of people make and how those rules affect how people live their lives.

An institution can be anything like a school, government, hospital, or a religious organization. Anthropologists look at all different types of institutions and try to figure out how they work and why people behave the way they do while in this particular group.

They study how the groups make decisions, how they use their resources, and how they treat the people that are part of the institution. Anthropology can help people understand the history and culture of different institutions, and how they change over time. It can also help find ways to make institutions better for everyone involved.

Overall, anthropology of institutions is really important to understand how people interact with each other in groups and how they make rules that can greatly affect an individual’s lifestyle.