ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anti-ballistic missile treaty

The anti-ballistic missile treaty was an agreement that two big countries, the United States and the Soviet Union, made in 1972. The treaty said they wouldn't build any weapons or missiles that could shoot down other missiles that fly really high and really fast.

The treaty was important because both countries had a lot of these types of missiles, and if one country built a way to shoot them down, it would make the other country very nervous. If both countries had ways to shoot missiles down, it would make it harder to keep the peace.

The treaty lasted for a long time, but eventually, both countries started to build new missile defense systems, which made the treaty outdated. So, in 2002, the United States decided to pull out of the treaty to build a new missile defense system.

Some people think it was a bad idea to leave the treaty because it could make other countries nervous and might start a new arms race. It's important for countries to work together to make sure they don't build weapons that can hurt each other.