ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anti-cult movement

Alright kiddo, so imagine you have a group of friends who all really love playing a game together. But then, one day, one friend starts to act strange and tells you all that you can only play the game if you listen to them and do everything they say. That's not very fun, right?

Well, let's say this friend starts convincing some of your other friends that they should only listen to them and that everyone else is wrong. They might even start changing the rules of the game so that only they can win. This friend has now become a cult leader.

Now, some grown-ups don't want anyone to be part of a group like that because they believe it's wrong and can be harmful. They are part of the anti-cult movement.

The Anti-cult movement is a group of people who are worried about groups who are led by people who control and manipulate others. They try to educate people about the dangers of these types of groups and often work to try to get people out of them. They want to make sure people have the freedom to make their own choices and not be controlled by anyone else.

Basically, the anti-cult movement is like the big brothers and sisters who want to make sure all their younger siblings are safe and happy. They don't want anyone to be hurt by leaders who might not have their best interests in mind.