ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anti-gay purges in Chechnya

Okay kiddo, so you know how everyone is different in their own way, right? Some people have different colored hair, different eye colors, and some people are attracted to people of the same gender. In some places in the world, like Chechnya, people who are attracted to others of the same gender are not accepted by some of the leaders. This means that they are treated very badly and are not allowed to live their lives the way they want to.

We call this really bad treatment an "anti-gay purge". It means that leaders of a place are getting rid of any and all people who are gay or even suspected to be gay. This is just like when you clean up your toys and get rid of the ones that you don't want anymore, but people are not toys and it is not okay to treat them this way.

These anti-gay purges are very unfair and mean to the people who are being hurt. They have to leave their homes and their families and run away to be safe. It's like when you have to run away from a bully who is being mean to you. Sometimes, the leaders even hurt and kill the people who are gay, which is never acceptable. Kids should always treat others kindly and fairly, no matter what differences they may have.