ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anti-spam techniques

Imagine you are playing with your toys and suddenly someone you don't know starts giving you a lot of toys that you don't like or want. This person keeps giving you toys even when you tell them to stop. This is what happens in the world of email too. There are people and programs known as spammers that send a lot of unwanted emails to people's inboxes.

To stop this, there are anti-spam techniques. One of the techniques is called blacklisting. It's like a big list of naughty spammers that email services use to automatically send their emails to the trash.

Another technique is content filtering. This is where programs check the emails to see if they contain certain words or phrases that are often found in spam emails. For example, if an email has the word "Viagra" in it, it is likely to be spam and will be sent to the trash.

There is also something called sender authentication. This checks to see if the email is really from the person it says it's from. Just like you need a key to get into your house, emails are checked to make sure that they have the right code to get into your inbox.

Finally, there is something called a challenge-response system. When you get an email from someone you don't know or trust, it sends an automatic reply back asking the sender to prove they are a real person and not a spam program. This can be like a game of tag, where the recipient tags the email as safe or spam based on whether the sender is able to complete the challenge.

All of these anti-spam techniques help keep your inbox safe from unwanted, unnecessary, and sometimes dangerous emails. Just like you don't want toys you don't like, your email inbox doesn't want spam.