ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anti-submarine missile

An anti-submarine missile is a type of weapon that is used to fight against submarines. Just like how you use water to put out fire, an anti-submarine missile is used to protect a ship or a group of ships from an enemy submarine.

The missile is launched from the ship and travels through the air until it reaches the water. Once it hits the water, it starts to travel underneath the surface to look for the enemy submarine.

To find the submarine, the missile uses special sensors that can detect sound waves. Think of these sensors as your ears - they can hear things underwater just like how you can hear things in the air.

When the missile finally finds the submarine, it explodes and releases a big blast of energy. This blast of energy can damage or even destroy the submarine, which makes it easier for the ship to escape or fight back.

So, think of an anti-submarine missile like a superhero that protects ships from the bad guys that live underwater. It travels through the air and underwater, uses special senses to find the bad guy submarine, and then blasts it with energy to keep the good guys safe.