ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Antiandrogens in the environment

Okay kiddo, so you know how there are some things in the environment that can be harmful to people and animals? Well, there are some things called antiandrogens that can be harmful too.

Antiandrogens are like little chemicals that can make it difficult for boys and men to have healthy levels of a hormone called testosterone. Testosterone is what helps boys and men grow muscles, have a deep voice, and get hair on their face and body.

But when there are too many antiandrogens around, it can make it harder for testosterone to work like it's supposed to. This can cause problems like lower sperm count or even deformities in baby boys.

Antiandrogens can be found in all kinds of things in the environment, like in some pesticides or even in the water that we drink. That's why it's important to try to keep our environment as clean and healthy as we can!