ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Antigen-presenting cell

Okay kiddo, so your body has a lot of different types of cells that help to fight off germs and keep you healthy. One important type of cell is called an antigen-presenting cell, or APC for short.

An APC is kind of like a superhero that helps your body recognize and attack bad guys, like bacteria or viruses. When one of these bad guys enters your body, your APCs are the first to detect it. Your APCs then grab a piece of the bad guy, called an antigen, and display it on their surface for other cells to see.

The APC then goes around your body to 'show' the antigen to other immune cells, like T cells or B cells. These other cells can then recognize the antigen and launch an attack on the bad guy.

So basically, an antigen-presenting cell is a really important cell in your immune system that helps to identify and fight off invading germs.