ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Antillia is a pretend place that some people believe in. It's like a big island that's supposed to be really amazing and magical. People think it's hidden somewhere in the ocean and nobody knows exactly where it is.

Some people believe that Antillia is full of treasure and gold, and that there are no bad people or problems there. They think that if they could find it, they would be happy forever.

But really, Antillia is just a story that people made up a long time ago. Nobody has ever been there or seen it for real. It's like a fairy tale or a myth. Some people like to imagine what it would be like to visit Antillia, but it's not a real place that you can go to.

So, to sum it up, Antillia is a mythical island that is supposed to be magical and full of treasure, but it's not a real place that you can actually visit.
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