ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Antimicrobials in aquaculture

Hey kiddo, have you ever had a cold or sore throat and your mommy gave you medicine to make the germs that make you sick go away? That medicine is called an antibiotic and it's kind of like a superhero that fights off the bad guys (germs) that make you feel sick.

Now, imagine there are lots of fish living in a fish farm. Just like you, fish can get sick too, and if one fish gets sick, it can spread to all the other fish in the tank. To keep all the fish healthy, the people who take care of the fish might give them some medicine too. This medicine is called an antimicrobial, and it works just like an antibiotic does for you.

Antimicrobials are important in aquaculture because they help keep the fish healthy and prevent disease from spreading. Just like how you take medicine only when you're sick, the fish only get antimicrobials when they need it. But we have to be very careful when we use antimicrobials because if we use too much, it can make the germs become resistant to them. That means the antimicrobials won't work anymore and the fish could become very sick and die.

So even though antimicrobials can make the fish healthy, we have to use them very carefully so we don't cause more problems. Just like a superhero, we have to use antimicrobials wisely to save the day without causing more trouble.