ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Apache Avro

Apache Avro is like a big book with rules for how different people can talk to each other. Imagine you and your friends want to play a game together, but you're all speaking different languages. Avro is like a language that everyone can understand, so you can communicate with each other and play the game.

In computer terms, Avro helps different programs talk to each other by organizing the way they send and receive information. Just like how different languages have different grammar and vocabulary, different computer programs have different ways of structuring data. Avro makes sure everyone follows the same rules so that data can be passed back and forth smoothly.

Avro also makes sure that this data is tagged with a language and format that everyone can understand. This helps to prevent misunderstandings or errors that can happen when different programs try to communicate with each other using different data formats.

So, in summary, Apache Avro is like a standardized language that computer programs can use to communicate with each other, kind of like how you and your friends might use English when playing games together.