Hi there! So, an Apollo citharoedus is a statue of the Greek god Apollo playing a musical instrument called a cithara. Apollo was believed to be a very important god in ancient Greece and was associated with things like music, arts, and prophecy. The cithara was a type of stringed instrument that looked a bit like a small harp or guitar.
The statue of Apollo citharoedus shows him standing there, holding the cithara up to his chest, while playing it with his fingers. The statue is made out of materials like marble or bronze, and is often very detailed and intricate. The statue is meant to be a symbol of Apollo's importance in Greek culture, and his love of music and the arts.
So, in essence, an Apollo citharoedus is a fancy statue of the Greek god Apollo playing a musical instrument called a cithara, meant to show how important and influential he was in ancient Greek society.