ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Okay, so imagine you have a really cool toy and you don't want anyone else to copy it because it's your special toy. That's kind of like what Apple did with their iPhone and Samsung did with their Galaxy phone. They both made cool phones with special features, but Apple said that Samsung copied their ideas and it wasn't fair.

So Apple decided to go to a special place called the court to ask a judge to decide if Samsung did copy them and if they should have to pay for it. The judge looked at all the evidence and listened to what Apple and Samsung had to say, just like when you and your friend have an argument and you tell mom or dad to help you figure out who's right.

In the end, the judge said that Samsung did copy some of Apple's ideas for their phone and they had to pay Apple some money because of it. It was kind of like when you and your friend are playing a game and your friend copies your moves, so you tell them they can't do that and they have to give you a toy or something as an apology.

Even though Apple won the case, they still have to keep making new and better toys (phones) so people will want to buy them instead of the ones made by companies like Samsung. The court just wanted everyone to play fair and not copy each other's special toys without permission.