ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Apple Pay

Apple Pay is like a magical wallet that you use with your iPhone or Apple Watch. When you go to buy something, instead of using real money, you can use Apple Pay to pay for it. You don't even have to take your wallet out of your pocket!

To use Apple Pay, first you have to add your credit or debit card to your wallet on your iPhone or Apple Watch. Then, when you go to pay for something, you just hold up your iPhone or Apple Watch to the payment machine at the store. It's like when you pretend to be a wizard and wave your wand, except you're really paying for stuff!

The best part is that it's super safe. Your card information isn't actually stored on your phone or watch, so bad guys can't get it. And when you pay, your information is encrypted, which means it's like it's wearing a secret code that only the payment machine can read.

So you can use Apple Pay to buy things at stores and online, and you don't even have to use real money. It's like a cool magic trick that helps you buy stuff easier and safer!