ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aqueduct (bridge)

An aqueduct is like a bridge for water! It helps move water from one place to another. Imagine you have a big pool of water and you need to get it to a different place. But you can't just carry it in buckets because there's too much water! That's where an aqueduct comes in!

An aqueduct is a special kind of bridge that carries water from one place to another. It's like a long pipe that's built above the ground. Instead of cars and people going over it like a normal bridge, water flows through it! Aqueducts are really useful because they can carry water over valleys, rivers, and other obstacles.

Aqueducts have been around for a long time, even before cars and roads. The ancient Romans built some of the most famous aqueducts, and they helped bring water to cities and towns. Nowadays, we still use aqueducts to move water to big cities that need it.

So, an aqueduct is like a special kind of bridge that helps move water from one place to another!