ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever drawn repeating patterns with your crayons or markers? Well, grown-ups used to do this too a long time ago, especially people who lived in countries like Iran, Egypt, and Spain. They drew beautiful designs with lines and curves that looked like letters and shapes, but they didn't really mean anything. They just looked pretty.

These kinds of designs are called "arabesques." They can be made out of flowers, leaves, animals, stars, and even humans! Sometimes they're so intricate that you could spend all day looking at just one little piece of it.

Arabesques are often seen in art, architecture, and even on things like carpets or rugs. They come in all different colors and sizes, and they can make buildings look really fancy and special.

So next time you see a pretty design with lots of lines and shapes that looks like it's from far away, it might be an arabesque.