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Arabic chat alphabet

Arabic chat alphabet is a special way of writing words using shortened letters, symbols, and numbers that people use when they are chatting online in Arabic. It is like a secret code that people create so they can type messages quickly and easily without having to use a lot of words.

For example, instead of writing the word "salaam" (which means hello in Arabic), people might write it as "slm." They might also use numbers like "3" to represent the Arabic letter "ain" or "2" to represent the Arabic letter "hamza."

Another common thing people do is use English letters to represent Arabic sounds that do not have their own letters. For example, they might use "p" to represent the "fa" sound or "x" to represent the "kh" sound.

Overall, the Arabic chat alphabet is a way for people to quickly communicate with each other when chatting online in Arabic. It might seem confusing at first, but once you learn the basics, you'll be able to understand and even use it yourself!