ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


L33t, also known as "leet" or "1337," is a way of writing words using numbers, symbols, and letters in a special way that makes them look cool and hard to read for people who don't understand it.

For example, instead of writing "hello," someone might write "h3ll0" using the number three to replace the letter E. This makes it look more exciting and different.

L33t started as a secret language used by hackers and gamers to communicate with each other without anyone else knowing what they were saying. It's like a secret code that only people who understand it can use.

L33t can be used for fun or to show off your skills to other people who understand it. Some people use it for usernames, passwords, or just to chat with others online in a different way.

So, in short, l33t is a special way of writing words that only some people can understand and it's mostly used for fun or to show off skills in certain communities.