Imagine you and your friends have a secret language where you use special words and phrases that only you and your friends understand. That's kind of like what the Jargon File is.
The Jargon File is a list of special words and expressions that computer programmers use. These words and expressions are so specific to the world of computer programming that most people outside of it would have no idea what they mean.
For example, "bit" is a word that means a tiny piece of information that a computer can understand. "Boolean" is another word that means true or false, like a light switch that can only be on or off.
The Jargon File is constantly being updated as new words and expressions are invented or become popular. It's like a dictionary, but just for computer programmers.
So if you ever hear a computer programmer use a word or phrase that you don't understand, it might be in the Jargon File. And if you want to learn more about computer programming and the language that programmers use, the Jargon File is a great place to start.