ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Calculator spelling

Calculator spelling is a fun way to write words or messages on a calculator by using numbers that look like letters. Just like how we have 26 letters in the alphabet to make words, we can use numbers to create our own unique wordings as well.

For example, the number "1" can look like the letter "I", the number "3" can look like the letter "E", the number "0" can look like the letter "O", and so on. We can combine these numbers to make words such as "hello" which in calculator spelling will look like "07734".

It might seem a bit confusing at first, but it's actually quite easy to understand. All you have to do is remember which numbers look like which letters, and then arrange them in the right order to make the word you want.

Calculator spelling can be a fun way to pass messages secretly, or to impress your friends with your skills. So go ahead, try it out and see what kind of words or messages you can come up with!