ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Gyaru-moji is a type of Japanese writing that is often used by young girls who like fashion and have a unique style.

It is basically a way of writing in which certain letters or parts of words are changed in a fun and stylish way. For example, instead of writing "ai shiteru" which means "I love you" in Japanese, a gyaru-moji writer might write "aishiteeeen" to add emphasis and make it sound cuter.

Gyaru-moji can also include lots of exclamation points, emoticons, and other symbols to add more fun and expressiveness to the text. It's kind of like how kids might add lots of smiley faces and hearts to their notes to friends.

Overall, gyaru-moji is a way for young people to communicate in a fun and trendy way that reflects their unique sense of style and personality.
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