ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Architecture in Scotland

Architecture is like building a really cool house or building. In Scotland, people have been building these cool things for a long, long time.

A long, long time ago, people in Scotland built things called brochs. Brochs were round, tall buildings made out of stone. They were made to keep people safe from enemies that might try to attack them.

Then, a few hundred years ago, people in Scotland started building big, fancy castles. These castles were built to show off how powerful and important the people who lived in them were. Some famous castles in Scotland are Edinburgh Castle and Stirling Castle.

Later on, people in Scotland started building more normal houses for people to live in. These houses looked different depending on where they were in Scotland. For example, houses in the Highlands were often made out of stone and had a thatched roof. Houses in cities like Edinburgh were built close together and made out of stone.

Now, people in Scotland still build all kinds of cool buildings. There are still castles being built (but they are mostly just for fun now), and there are also modern buildings made out of glass and metal.

Overall, the architecture in Scotland tells the story of how people have lived in Scotland for thousands of years, and it shows what people thought was important at different times in history.