ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Architecture of Quebec City

Okay kiddo, imagine a big city with lots of buildings that are really old and pretty. That's Quebec City! The buildings all look a little bit different because they were built at different times by different people. But they all have some things in common.

One thing you might notice is that a lot of the buildings are made of stone. That's because the people who built them a long time ago didn't have access to other materials like concrete or steel. They had to use what was around them. And lucky for them, there was a lot of stone in the area.

The buildings are also all pretty close together. That's because when the city was first settled, people built their houses close to each other so they could help each other if there was a problem like a fire.

Another thing you might notice is that the buildings have lots of little details. They might have carvings or statues or special designs on the roof. That's because people wanted their buildings to be unique and special. They wanted to show off their wealth and power.

One of the most famous buildings in Quebec City is the Chateau Frontenac. It's a big hotel that looks like a castle! It was built a long time ago and lots of important people have stayed there over the years.

So that's a little bit about the architecture of Quebec City. It's all about using what's around you, being close to your neighbors, and making your buildings look special and unique.