ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, imagine you have a really big toy box, and not all your toys can fit in it. So, you put some of your toys in a special box and you store it away in your closet.

Archives are kind of like that special box in your closet. They are a place where important things, like papers, photographs, and videos, are kept safe and organized, instead of just being thrown in a toy box or a trash can.

But, archives aren't just for kids' toys! They are for important things that people and organizations want to preserve for a really long time, like historical documents, letters, and pictures.

Archives can be found in different places like museums, libraries, and government offices. And, people who work in archives are called archivists. They take care of the important things inside the archives, making sure they don't get lost, damaged, or destroyed.

So, that is basically what archives are, a special place where important things are kept safe and organized, just like your special box in the closet.