ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Archives of Manitoba

The Archives of Manitoba are a place where important documents and records from a long time ago are kept safe and organized. You know how you might have a special box where you keep all your favorite toys or drawings or school work? Well, the Archives of Manitoba is like a really big version of that box, but instead of toys and drawings, they keep things like old letters, photographs, maps, and other things that people used a long time ago to help tell the story of Manitoba.

It's like a time capsule of the past! People who work at the Archives of Manitoba take really good care of these old things so that they will last a long time and can be used to help us learn about what life was like a long time ago. Sometimes, people visit the Archives to do research and learn more about their family history or about a special topic they are interested in. It's kind of like being a detective and looking for clues in all these old documents to help you solve a mystery or learn something new!