ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Argand system

An Argand system is like a map or a graph that helps us see how complex numbers work. Complex numbers are special because they have two parts: a real part and an imaginary part. The Argand system makes it easy to see where these complex numbers are located.

Imagine drawing a horizontal line and calling it the x-axis, and then drawing a vertical line and calling it the y-axis. These lines meet at a point which we call the origin. Now, instead of only using positive and negative numbers on these axes, we also allow for numbers that have an imaginary part. We put these numbers on the y-axis by using the imaginary unit "i", where i squared is equal to -1.

So when we write a complex number like "3 + 2i", we can think of it as a point on this graph where we go three units to the right and two units up on the y-axis.

The Argand system lets us easily add, subtract, and multiply complex numbers by looking at where they are located on the graph. For example, if we want to add two complex numbers, we just add them like we would normally do with numbers, and the result will be another complex number that we can find on the graph.

Overall, the Argand system helps us visualize complex numbers in a way that is easy to understand and work with.