ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Argentine general election, 2015

So, imagine you have a group of people who are like the bosses of a country. In Argentina, they call them politicians. These politicians want to be in charge of everything that happens in the country so they have to do something called an election to see who will be in charge.

In 2015, these politicians in Argentina had a big election where they asked all the people who live in the country to vote for them. They put their pictures and names on big signs and asked people to pick who they liked the best.

There were two main groups of politicians who wanted to be in charge. One group was called the Peronist Party and the other group was called the Cambiemos Party. They each had a person who wanted to be the main boss of the country, and they were called Mauricio Macri and Daniel Scioli.

People went to special places, like a school or a library, to put their vote in a secret box. The votes were counted and at the end, the person who had the most votes became the new boss of the country.

In the end, Mauricio Macri and the Cambiemos Party got the most votes so he became the new boss of Argentina. He was happy, and a lot of people were happy for him, too. From that day on, he was responsible for making important decisions and helping the country become a better place for everyone who lives there.