ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Argentine university reform of 1918

So, once upon a time, in a country called Argentina, students and teachers were not very happy with the way universities worked. They thought the universities only gave education to people who were rich and important, and that it wasn't fair for everyone else who wanted to learn.

So, in the year 1918, the government and these students and teachers got together to make some changes. They wanted to make sure that everyone who wanted to learn could go to university, no matter if they were rich or poor.

They decided to make some new rules. One of the rules was that anyone who graduated from high school could go to university for free. They also made it so that universities could only hire teachers who were really good at their jobs, and not just because they were friends with someone or had a lot of money.

They also made it so that students had a say in how the university was run, which mean they could speak up and tell the teachers and government what they wanted and needed.

This was a big change, and it made a lot of people very happy. Students who never thought they could go to university could now get an education, and it helped improve the quality of education in the universities overall.

And that, my dear reader, is the story of the Argentine University Reform of 1918!