ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Argentines in Spain

Okay, kiddo! Let's talk about argentines in Spain.

First, let's talk about what those words mean. Argentina is a country in South America, where lots of people speak Spanish. Spain is a country in Europe, where people also speak Spanish.

Sometimes, people from Argentina go to Spain to live or visit. This is called migration. People migrate for all kinds of reasons, like to find work or to be close to family.

Argentines in Spain might feel a little different than the people who live in Spain all the time. They might have different customs or foods or ways of speaking. This is called culture.

But just because they are different doesn't mean that they are not welcome! Many people enjoy learning about other cultures, and the more we learn, the more we can all understand each other.

So, in short: argentines in Spain are people from a different country who have come to live or visit in Spain. They might have different customs and ways of speaking, but that's okay because we can all learn from each other!