ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Arithmetic functions

Arithmetic functions are like secret agents that help you do math without really having to think too hard. They have special names like "addition" and "multiplication" and they do different things depending on what kind of numbers you give them.

Think of addition like a mom who has a bunch of kids (numbers) and she wants to know how many she has all together. So she counts up all the kids and tells you the answer. That's what addition does, it adds numbers together.

Now, multiplication is like a mom who wants to know how many kids she would have if she had a certain number of sets of twins. Let's say she has 3 sets of twins, that's like saying she has 3 pairs of 2 kids. So she multiplies 3 times 2 and gets 6, which is the total number of kids she would have.

Another arithmetic function is division. This is like when you have a big bag of candy and you want to give some to your friends, but you want to make sure everyone gets the same amount. So you divide the number of candies you have by the number of friends you want to share with and that tells you how many candies each person gets.

There are lots of other arithmetic functions, but these are some of the basic ones. They are like secret agents that help you do math without really having to think too hard!