ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Armenian National Council of Baku

The Armenian National Council of Baku was a group of people who shared a common heritage and culture, known as Armenians, who lived in the city of Baku. The council was made up of leaders and representatives of the Armenian community who came together to discuss and make decisions about matters that affected their community.

The council was important because it allowed Armenians living in Baku to join together and share their concerns and opinions about issues that mattered to them. They could work together to find solutions to problems and make decisions that would benefit their community.

It's like when you and your friends want to play a game, but you're not sure what game to play. So, you get together and talk about it until you come up with a game that everyone is happy to play. The Armenian National Council of Baku was like a big group of friends who wanted to work together to make their community a better place to live in.