Armenian Highlands is a big area in Western Asia that has lots of mountains and high hills. It's located near the country of Armenia, but it's also shared by other countries like Turkey, Iran, and Georgia.
Imagine you are playing with a big pile of sand that is shaped like a mountain. The Armenian Highlands is like a giant pile of sand, but it's made up of rocks and dirt instead of sand. And just like you can climb up the pile of sand, people can climb up the mountains in the Armenian Highlands.
The people who live in the Armenian Highlands have been there for a very long time, some since before anyone wrote down history. They have different religions and cultures, but they all have something in common - they love their land and the beautiful mountains that surround them.
Sometimes the Armenian Highlands can be pretty cold and covered in snow, but other times it can be warm, with green hills that stretch on for miles. The animals that call the Armenian Highlands their home are used to these changes and they adapt easily.
So, think of the Armenian Highlands as a really big playground with mountains to climb, animals to watch, and lots of different people and cultures to explore.