ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Armenian–Azerbaijani war (1918–1920)

So, a long time ago, there were two countries called Armenia and Azerbaijan. They lived next to each other, but they didn't always get along very well.

In 1918, some people in Azerbaijan wanted to be in charge of their own country, without being ruled by other countries that had controlled them before. They fought to become independent, which means having their own government and making their own decisions.

But, some people in Armenia didn't like that Azerbaijan was becoming independent. They wanted to keep control over the area where Azerbaijan was.

So, Armenia and Azerbaijan got into a war. This means that soldiers from each country fought against each other to try to win the war.

Many people were hurt or killed in the war. Both sides wanted to win very badly.

Eventually, the war ended in 1920, with Azerbaijan being able to become an independent country. But, many people were still angry and wanted more land or power. This led to more fighting and conflicts between Armenia and Azerbaijan.