ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Armistice of Cassibile

The Armistice of Cassibile was an agreement made between Italy and the Allies (the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union) on September 3, 1943, during World War II. It was kind of like deciding to take a time-out from fighting.

At that time, Italy was being led by a guy named Mussolini, who was friends with a bad guy named Hitler from Germany. Italy and Germany were fighting on the same side in the war. The Allies wanted Italy to stop helping Germany because they were the bad guys in the war, and they thought it would help them win if Italy joined their team instead.

So, basically, the Armistice of Cassibile was an agreement that said Italy had to stop fighting with Germany and switch over to the side of the Allies. But, this didn't mean that Italy was free from being in the war altogether.

But when the Italian government made this decision, some of the soldiers who had been fighting for Italy didn't want to switch sides. They decided to keep fighting with the Germans and doing what they had been doing before.

This caused some problems, and there was confusion for a while about what was supposed to happen next. But, in the end, it made it easier for the Allies to fight against the Germans and helped to bring the war to an end.

So, to put it in simple terms, the Armistice of Cassibile was an agreement that said Italy would stop fighting on Germany's side, and it would help the Allies win the war instead.