ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Art for art

Okay kiddo, so when we talk about "art for art's sake," it means that someone is making art just because they like to make art.

It's like when you color a picture or build with blocks just because it's fun to do it, not because you have to do it for school or to show someone else.

Some people think that art should only be made for this reason - just because it's enjoyable and meaningful to the person creating it. They don't think that art needs to have a specific purpose or message to be made.

So, just like how you might draw a picture just because you want to, some artists make art for the same reason. They enjoy the process of creating something and expressing themselves through their art. Sometimes their art might mean something special to them, but they don't necessarily make it with the intention of trying to communicate that message to someone else.

Does that make sense, kiddo?