ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Art school

Art school is a place where people who really love making art go to learn more about it and get better at it. Just like you go to school to learn math, science, and reading, artists go to art school to learn how to draw, paint, sculpt, and make all kinds of art.

At art school, you get to do lots of cool things like experiment with different art materials, learn about different art styles, and practice your skills. You also get to work with other artists who have similar interests and share ideas and techniques.

Art school is different from regular school in that it focuses only on art and creativity. This means that you get to spend lots of time doing what you love the most - making art! Plus, the teachers at art school are all artists themselves, so they can give you really good advice on how to improve your work.

Overall, art school is like a magical place where you can learn a ton about art, get better at it, and meet other artists who share your passion and excitement for creating.