ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

ArtRave: The Artpop Ball

Okay kiddo, imagine your favorite singer, Lady Gaga, is putting on a big show called "artrave: the artpop ball." This is a concert where Lady Gaga will sing and dance to her popular songs and wear crazy and unique outfits.

The concert is named after Lady Gaga's album called "ARTPOP," which is all about expressing oneself through art and music. In this concert, Lady Gaga will be sharing her artistic expression with her fans through her singing, dancing, and fashion.

When you attend the concert, you will see a lot of people singing and dancing along with Lady Gaga. You will also see sparkly and colorful lights, big screens showing cool visuals, and a lot of fun surprises throughout the show.

Overall, "artrave: the artpop ball" is a big party with Lady Gaga as the star of the show. It's a celebration of art and music, and it's all about having fun and feeling free to be yourself.