ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Arthur Koestler

Arthur Koestler was a writer who lived a long time ago. He was born in Hungary in 1905 and he died in London, England in 1983.

He wrote many books about different things, like politics, science, and the way people think. One of his most famous books is called "Darkness at Noon." People really liked this book because it was about a man who was put in prison for something he didn't do. The book made people think about how sometimes people in power can be really unfair.

Koestler also wrote about something called "the ghost in the machine." This is the idea that sometimes, even though our brains are just made of tiny cells called neurons, we can still feel like there's something more inside us that makes us who we are. It's like there's a little ghost inside our heads driving the machine that is our body.

Overall, Arthur Koestler was a very smart person who wrote about important things that still make people think today.