ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Artistic merit

Hello there!

Artistic Merit is a fancy way of saying whether something is good or bad art. Have you ever seen a painting, drawing, or sculpture that you thought was really cool or pretty? That's because it had artistic merit!

When someone creates art, they put a lot of time and effort into making it look good. They might have a certain idea or feeling they want to convey through their art, and they use their skills to make sure it looks just right.

Sometimes, people might not think a particular piece of art is very good. Maybe they don't like the colors used, or they don't understand the message it's trying to convey. Other people might think the art is amazing and be completely blown away by it.

So, when people talk about artistic merit, they are trying to decide whether a piece of art is good or bad. They consider things like the skill involved, the message or idea behind it, and how it makes them feel.

In the end, there's no right or wrong answer when it comes to artistic merit. It's all about personal taste and opinion. Some people might love a certain piece of art, while others might not be as impressed. But no matter what, it's important to appreciate the effort and creativity that went into making it!
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