ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Taste (sociology)

Well kiddo, taste in sociology is like what you like and don't like. It's kind of like when you say "yuck" to eating broccoli but "yum" to ice cream. Taste is how we define what is good and bad, beautiful or ugly, or cool and uncool.

What's interesting is that people's taste is influenced by many things, such as their background, upbringing, social status, education, and culture. So what one person thinks is the best, may not be the same for someone else. It's like how some kids like playing with dolls, while others like playing with cars or building blocks.

It's also important to know that taste can affect how people see themselves or others. For example, some kids may think having a certain type of toy is cool, and they might judge others based on whether they have it or not. The same can happen with clothes, music, or even food.

So, taste in sociology is basically about what people like and don't like, and how that can be influenced by many different factors. It's important to remember that everyone's taste is different, and it's okay to like different things than other people.