ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

As We May Think

"As we may think" is a writing that talks about something called computers. Computers are machines that can store and process information. They are like really smart helpers that can help us remember things and figure out answers to questions. The writing was written a long time ago, when computers were not as advanced as they are now.

The writing talks about how computers can help us do things like remember important information, like phone numbers and addresses. They can also help us find information quickly, like when we want to know about the weather or find a recipe for a yummy dessert.

The writing also talks about how computers can help us communicate with each other better. We can talk to friends and family who are far away using something called the internet. The internet is like a big library full of information that we can access using our computers.

Overall, "As we may think" is about how computers can help us a lot in our everyday lives. They can make things easier and help us do more things in less time.