ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly

Okay, so have you ever seen a dog eat something that they probably shouldn't have, like old food or trash? Yeah, we don't want dogs to do that because it can make them sick. And sometimes, when a dog eats something bad, they throw it up. It's not the nicest thing to see or smell, but it's actually a good thing because it means their body is getting rid of the bad stuff.

Now, let's talk about something called "folly." Folly is when you do something that is not very smart or wise. Like when you touch something hot even though you know it will burn you or when you don't study for a test even though you know it's important. These are examples of folly.

So, the saying "as a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly" means that just like a dog might eat something bad again even though it made them sick before, a person who keeps doing foolish things will keep making the same mistakes over and over again. It's not a good thing to do because you're not learning from your mistakes and it can cause problems in your life.

So, remember, if a dog throws up from eating something bad, we shouldn't let them eat it again. And if we do something foolish and it doesn't turn out well, we shouldn't keep doing it. We should learn from our mistakes and try to do better next time.
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