ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Asōristān is a word from a long time ago that describes a place that was located in what we now call Iran.

Imagine you are playing with toy cars and you have a yellow car and a blue car. Asōristān was a place where many different kinds of people lived together, but they all had different languages and cultures just like your yellow and blue cars are different.

In Asōristān, people used different kinds of money and some people believed in different religions. People were allowed to have their own beliefs, but sometimes they didn't get along with each other, just like sometimes you might not want to share your toys with your friends.

But even though the people in Asōristān were different, they also helped each other when they needed it. Sometimes they even learned from each other and shared their ideas, just like when you and your friends play together and learn from each other.

So, Asōristān was like a big toy box with many different toys in it. Even though some toys were different than others, they all played together and sometimes even helped each other out.