ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Asian American and Pacific Islands American conservatism in the United States

Okay, kiddo, we are going to talk about some people who live in the United States and their political beliefs.

Some people who are Asian American or Pacific Islander American believe in a political philosophy called conservatism. This means they believe in certain values and principles that they think are important for their country and for their own lives.

Conservative values usually include things like:

- Supporting traditional family structures
- Believing in individual responsibility and hard work
- Supporting free markets and smaller government
- Believing in strong national defense and law enforcement
- Respecting and protecting the Constitution and rule of law

These conservative beliefs are often influenced by different things such as their culture, religion, experiences, and upbringing. Some people just naturally lean more toward conservative values and that’s okay.

Even though there may be some differences in values and beliefs among conservative Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans, they still share some common goals with other conservatives in the United States.

For example, they believe in equal opportunity for everyone and that individuals should have the right to make their own decisions about their lives. They also believe in protecting their country from threats both foreign and domestic.

So there you have it, kiddo! Asian American and Pacific Islander American conservatives are just like other conservatives in the United States, except they come from diverse backgrounds and may have different cultural and personal influences on their political beliefs.