ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Askey–Gasper inequality

The askey-gasper inequality is a way of comparing two math equations to see if one is bigger than the other. It's like comparing two piles of toys to see which one has more toys. But instead of toys, we're comparing math equations!

There are different kinds of equations like polynomials, which are like big long addition problems with variables, and orthogonal polynomials, which are a special kind of polynomial. The askey-gasper inequality compares two different kinds of orthogonal polynomials to see which one is bigger.

You might be wondering, what's special about orthogonal polynomials? Well, they're really good at helping us solve some problems in math, especially when we're dealing with things that are shaped like curves or waves. Kind of like how a toy car is really good at driving on a track.

So back to the askey-gasper inequality. It uses something called a weight function, which is a way of assigning a value to each point on a curve. Think of it like coloring in each point with a different color. This weight function helps us measure which polynomial is bigger.

Now, this might sound complicated, but just remember that we're comparing two types of special math equations called orthogonal polynomials using a weight function to see which one is bigger. It's like comparing two piles of toys to see which one has more toys, but instead of toys, we're comparing math equations!