ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Assembly modelling

Alright kiddo, imagine you have a big box full of tiny pieces of a toy. When you want to put the toy together, you need to figure out which pieces go where and how they fit together.

Assembly modelling is like that, but instead of a toy, we're putting together something like a machine or a car on the computer. Just like with the toy, we need to figure out which parts we need and how they fit together.

In assembly modelling, we create a digital version of each part needed for the machine or car. Then we use software to fit those parts together in just the right way to create the final product.

We can move the parts around and check to make sure everything fits together without any problems. This helps us see what needs to be changed or adjusted before the real machine or car is built, so we can avoid mistakes and save time and money.

Assembly modelling is important because it allows us to create complex products without having to physically build them first. It also makes it easier to fix or update the product if something goes wrong.
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