ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Assyria was a really long time ago, before we were born. It was a place where lots of people lived together and they had their own special way of doing things. They had a special language and wrote on clay tablets instead of paper like we use today.

Assyria was located in the part of the world we now call the Middle East. The people who lived there were very strong and powerful, and they had big armies that could fight other places to protect their own land. They also had really smart people who came up with inventions like the first writing system, which helped them keep track of important things.

Assyrians were known for creating amazing art and buildings. Their palaces were huge and had lots of really fancy decorations. They used bright colors and made carvings of animals and people that they then put onto the walls. Lots of these carvings are still around today, and they help us learn more about what life was like a long time ago.

However, some people did not like the Assyrians because they were very powerful and sometimes they would take over other places. This made some people very angry and they tried to fight against the Assyrians to keep their own land safe. Ultimately, Assyria fell apart and was taken over by other groups of people, but we can still learn a lot about them from what is left behind.